I just lost a friend who was given extra years of her life due to someone's gift. She received lungs about a decade ago from a man who had the courage to donate, and recently, at the age of 33, went into an episode of acute rejection, aspergillis infection, and had also developed cancer in her abdomen.
I miss her terribly, and am in shell shock.
I can't even imagine what your family is feeling.
Please, if you haven't, register yourself as an organ donor. If nothing else, I got more years of knowing my friend. She was a beautiful soul, a real fighter, and will be missed by many.
Anne James Ferrari, you have touched the lives of so many. I am so lucky to have known you. Spread your wings my friend, and remember us here. We'll see each other again.
Please, donate life.
And for those of you still here, live every day. Carpe goddam diem.
Here's a photo of her and her beautiful sister (who is also becoming a nurse. I love you, Beth):

This has been a tough quarter for you. Hugs.
Thanks for sharing about this. I grew up with Anne and had no idea that this had happened to her. My love to Beth and Anne's parents. - Melana (Smith) Cavenecia
Annabelle, I love you and I miss you more than ever. When all seemed hopeless, you gave me the strength to go on and for that I will be forever grateful.
Your friend always, Bryan
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