When you are in clinicals, or are working in an acute care setting, you will understand why I love that LOL cat.
Fall is here. It's getting colder, we're getting a little bit busier, although there are only four weeks left of this quarter.
Papers are due soon. The last time I wrote a paper? About 9 years ago, so the foray back into APA format has been somewhat like a jog down memory lane after gaining about 85 lbs. I feel out of brain breath. Make sense?
Someone said that MEPN is like running a marathon. Nah, running marathons involves sleep. A lot of people take "mental health days" here and there, and I have to say I wholeheartedly agree.
This last weekend I went over to the eastern Sierras with my best friend, and we camped out in Jeffery pines and Aspen trees that were golden with the sunset. We hiked around at 7000 feet at the same place my headlining photo is from, and there was no water in the creek. It was awesome, to say the least. I was reminded why I chose nursing as a career path- it fulfills my love for patient care and (hopefully) allows for having a life. I have to live outside. Have to. Non-negotiable. My boyfriend and I are already planning some backpacking trips once I'm out of school.
Wow, four weeks left in this quarter.
Then we're halfway done.
Today I looked around at everyone and just had this moment where I realized how much everyone has learned- people were so nervous, so unsure of themselves when it came to talking about patient care, not to mention actually doing it - and now everyone trades information and speaks to each other like, well, like nurses.
It's really really cool.
Since my last time in, I spent some time in the ED (emergency department to those of you who don't speak medicine), which completely re-lit a fire under my ass. I loved it. Working in emergency always ignites me, and I even got to do some charting under the auspices of my nurse preceptor. She challenged me to do an assessment on an ortho patient (yes!- easy, what I *always* used to do while patrolling), who had a bad bicycle accident. I did a full assessment, checking my patient's neuro function, asking if she could remember what happened, did she lose consciousness, etc. I assessed her breathing/ribs and cardiac function. I checked all peripheral pulses and cap refills, paying special attention to the one distal to her injured forearm. Very carefully, I wrote down my findings, scared shitless - I mean, it was on real ED charting paper from a major hospital, and my words become legal. After sweating for a few minutes, I figured, well, hell, if the RN I'm working with doesn't like what I'm charting, she can shred this and start over.
I got praise. I was stoked.
I also got to hold traction later, working with a doctor who had a gentleman with an obvious shoulder dislocation. We didn't get it back in. I've reduced a few of those in the field, and when I saw this one, I thought to myself, "Ooo. That's bad..." so when it didn't go I wasn't surprised.
We had such an amazing variety of patients: people with liver dysfunction, people in withdrawal, abdominal pain, an Acute MI (heart attack), that I saw only briefly on my way out when my shift was over- there were so many people in the room that I wasn't able to be a part of anything anyway.
I also inserted a Foley on a guy who was having a rough night. I'm sure that didn't help. The night was busy.
I'm not a night person, but I was completely awake. Our observations are only 3pm-11pm, but I stayed until midnight, ecstatic to be back "at home."
Other than that, I think the program has been relatively manageable this quarter. The final papers are kind of a pain, but they're almost done.
Back to back 12 hour clinical shifts are tough, and for each student they're tough for a different reason.
I'm thinking about doing a quick advice column for things I've learned with the MEPN year so far.
Sorry this posting is so disjointed but one reason I haven't written in a while is lack of sleep and personal time. I got personal time this weekend, but sleep is yet to come...
Oh yes, and Halloween is coming. No we don't get out early from clinicals.